Underwater Rugby is a three dimensional, fast-paced contact sport played in a 3-5 meter deep pool. The game involves two teams of six players, two goals at the bottom of the pool and one slightly heavy ball (filled with salt water) that can be passed in any direction. Players wear a mask, snorkel, fins and cap. They attempt to gain possession of the ball in order to score, while avoiding being tackled by the other team. You can only be tackled while holding the ball, so don’t worry about being held under! It is illegal to be violent (i.e. punch or kick) or grab equipment. Many players stay underwater for only 10-20 seconds, and positioning is far more important than a long breath hold. No need to be an athlete to play.
As a nation passionate about swimming and rugby, it is no surprise that Underwater Rugby has taken off in Australia. Since its introduction in 2007, the sport has experienced enormous growth, with hundreds of players and clubs opening in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Port Lincoln, Perth, Canberra and Hobart. The sport is now played at a national level under the Underwater Rugby Australia Commission.
Still not sure what this wacky sport is? Check out this video to get the idea.